Refugee Emergency Education Clinics

Due to the displaced people movements in Southeast Asia, many children have lost several years of education. The Foundation is addressing this issue by helping local teachers start education clinics within the refugee population centers.

First Responder Emergency Medicine Training

The Strait Foundation first responder training program in Tanzania continues to expand. There is no EMT training component in the country’s medical schools or anywhere in Tanzania. The Foundation is partnering with government hospitals in the country by providing medical professionals to train hospital staff in emergency medicine. First responders are also not the norm for the area. The Foundation EMT training of first responders has resulted in many people being treated for medical problems in the last year which has led to many lives being saved. The program participants also run wellness check programs as well as covid mitigation outreaches.

First Responders have helped deliver babies, helped at the scene of accidents and have treated multiple conditions. One first responder was able to preform life saving CPR on a safari goer who went into cardiac arrest. Another responder named Allan was contacted by a person who was trying to help someone having an asthma attack but did not know what to do. Allan was able to relate information to him that he had just learned that very day which resulted in the persons life being saved.

Houses of Shelter/Refugee Assistance

This time in history finds many nations in conflict which has resulted in a rise of refugee/displaced persons. The Strait Foundation is actively involved in providing shelter and safe conditions to displaced persons in several areas of the world. The Foundation aids displaced persons by helping them get a new start in their places of refuge. We assist them in obtaining employment, educational opportunities and healthcare.


In 2021, the Foundation entered into an ongoing project in Arusha, Tansania to develop a college campus dedicated to building an educational community in East Africa to serve 1040 window leaders and innovators through rigorous evaluation of cultural strategies and biases in theological education. In December of 2021 the renovation of the college dean’s residence was completed and the first dormitory is scheduled to be opened by March of 2022. The entire campus will be completed by 2024.

DeoDance Partnership

The Roger H. Strait Foundation educates and brings healing to communities marginalized by war and disaster by establishing educational opportunities and providing medical training. In grateful partnership with DeoDance International, the Foundation has participated in bringing dance into these communities to release the power of joy and spiritual healing.  The financial support model for DeoDance International is to guide and assist company members in creating their own businesses with the goal of financing their DeoDance division with their personal funds. This process requires high commitment, while establishing strong connections with community artists.   After seasons of social unrest, DeoDance has been helping company members establish a presence in refugee communities.